Albufera Logo
Carleton Sojourner
Data, but human.

We help non-profits reduce the cost of decision-making.

We remove barriers standing in between you and your mission.

We make it easy for your supporters to help you.

And we’re boring; we get things done and we get them done quietly.
Sankey diagram showing supporter financial activity
BPMN diagram showing part of a regular business process

Systems & People

We concentrate on the big picture of how your information systems work together and integrate with what you’re trying to do.

We help you standardise your practices across your organisation, so that all of your people are working towards the same goals.

We empower your people and equip them with the tools and policies to be able to make improvements.

And while we like technology, we know it’s not the answer to everything.

Our Services

Policy Analysis
Business Process Analysis
Project Management
Software Projects

Our areas of technical expertise are in CRM, database, and digital marketing information systems.

Take a look at our full range of services; if you’d like us to work with you, please contact us to discuss your needs.